Delivery time

Complete regeneration of screws and barrels possible in a short time.

Screw rebuilding

We can re-establish any screw for you (except fully hardened ones) to its correct original state as new.

The steps in the rebuild operation
When the worn screw has been delivered it is

  • measured
  • a report is issued
  • The required type of hard facing is selected by professional analysis of the wear, taking into account the type of barrel inlay.
  • The final details of the finish are discussed with the customer and quoted

Applying the hard-facing
When the protective layer has been chosen it is welded on by state-of-the-art PTA welding machines. Before applying the hard facing the screw is first under ground to remove the heat effected material.

Pre-grinding the screw
When the protective layer has been applied the flights are pre-ground and the edges milled. With our range of up-to-date, multi-purpose machines we can meet any conceivable requirements in house.

Finishing the screw
The finish grinding completes the reconditioning process. Screws are nitrided, chrome plated or finished as requested.

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