Screw coatings

The different

While we offer all common alloys, our standard alloys for hard facing are

BC1, BC6, BC12

Cobalt base

  • Alloy components: C, Cr, W
  • Alloy: Cobalt base
  • Hardness: BC 1: 52-57 HRC, BC 6: 38-42 HRC, BC 12: 44-48 HRC


Nickel base

  • Alloy components: C, Si, Cr, B, Fe
  • Alloy: Nickel base
  • Hardness: 52-56 HRC


Iron base

  • Alloy components: Cr, V
  • Alloy: Iron base
  • Hardness: 51-58 HRC

BNW 830

Nickel base

  • Alloy components: tungsten carbide
  • Alloy: Nickel-Basis + WC/W2C
  • Hardness: 56-60 HRC
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