Location Trimbach - Switzerland

Bernex Bimetall AG
Winznauerstrasse 101
CH-4632 Trimbach

Tel. +41 (0)62 287 87 87
Fax +41 (0)62 287 87 90


  • Bus: from train station Olten, Bus route no. 507 / sector C1, Grossfeld stop. The building "101" / 1st floor is across from the Lidl.
  • Train: from Zurich Airport to the train station Olten, approx. 30min travel time.​​​​​​​
  • Car: from Zurich Airport direction Bern /Biel by highway A1, about 1h travel time. Exit Rothrist > direction Olten > Trimbach

Location Production Modrice - Czech Republic

Bernex Bimetall s.r.o.
Brněnská 1140
CZ-664 42 Modrice

Tel. +42 0547 130 611
Fax +42 0547 130 612

Bernex is located a few kilometers south of Brno, on the way to Vienna. Exact address - Brněnská 1140, 664 42 Modřice. From the main highway D1 you need to turn to road E461 (Vídenska Str.) - direction to Vienna.
On the Vídeňská-Street is a big shopping centre Futurum, from here Bernex stands ca 2,5 km far away. After two minutes you reach the Bernex, which is located on the right side of the road next to Kooperativa building.”

Location OMG - Italy

OMG S.p.A.
Via Europa, 11
I-25050 Camignone di Passirano (Brescia)

Tel. +39 030 685 61
Fax +39 030 685 03 64

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