Environmental policy

The environmental protection is an integrated part of the Bernex policy. The compliance with relevant environmental legislation and regulations is our minimum requirement. The continuous improvement of operational environmental protection is our task.

This includes a commitment to continual improvement and prevention of pollution, according to the following principles:

  • Product development design our products compatible to the environment. With the timely realization of environmental requirements, Bernex will realize competitive advantages.
  • By the application of production processes compatible to the environment, Bernex avoids environmental impacts or keeps them lowest possible for the local environment.
  • Bernex wants to keep the consumption of energy and raw material, considering economic conditions, as small as possible. We replace - where possible - pollutive energies and material with environmental friendly alternatives.
  • By means of training courses and information we motivate our employees to act consciously to the environment and to promote continuous improvements.
  • In the context of protecting the environment, we monitor the correct usage of our equipment. Further, the installed emergency plans shall help to prevent and to control possible damaging events to the environment.
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