The quality of Bernex screws

We can now offer you a wide range of products.

  • Single screws (injection moulding, extrusion and other applications)
  • Twin screws (co- and counter-rotating)
  • Multi-section screws
  • Mixing and shear sections

Wear protection on screw flights

We are able to weld all current screw hard-facing alloys.

In addition to the standard alloys such as BN 56 we offer you our special developed proprietary hard-facings:

  • BC or BN [standard alloys]
  • BN 56 (N,B,Si)
  • BF 60 (Cr,V)
  • BNW 830 (Tungsten carbide)

Screw coatings

For some applications the screw needs to be better protected.

Bernex offers you: PVD Coatings: Physical Vapour Deposition Coatings based TiN, CrN and Multi-layer processes
Appropriate heat treatment

Combination of Bernex bimetallic cylinders and screw hardfacings

Depending on the cylinder and screw material properties certain combination of the two are not suitable, such as a nitrated cylinder and a tungsten carbide screw hardfacing.

The enclosed PDF file is a very good overview on commen materials and the combinations possiblities with Bernex products.

Screw dimensions

  • Screws made of nitrided, heat treated or stainless steel: 
    Diameter: 18 - 600 mm 
    Length: max 9'000 mm
  • Tool steel screws (fully hardened):
    Diameter: 18 - 80 mm
    Length: max 2'000 mm
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