Privacy Policy

The Company

Bernex Bimetall AG, Company ID: CHE-110.321.908,
with its registered office Winznauerstrasse 101, CH-4632 Trimbach
(hereinafter referred to as the "Controller")

processes your personal data in accordance with article 6 paragraph 1 point General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as "GDPR") to the extent of: title, name, surname, address, telephone number, e mail, in order to take charge of your request and generating the answer to the question asked. The legal basis of this process is the consent of the data subject. The provision of you Personal Data is necessary to take charge of your request. Any refusal to provide your Personal Data will makes it impossibile to answer the question asked.
The Controller may provide the personal data (to the extent as above and for the purpose above) for their possibly further processing to other processors who process personal data for the Controller and give guarantees of proper and appropriate processing of personal data, particularly companies in Bernex Group.

Personal data provided to the Controller will be processed for the period of necessary archiving in accordance with the applicable legislation. The personal data processing will be carried out by electronic, automated and/or manual instruments, with methods and tools to ensure maximum security and confidentiality according to the GDPR.

You can exercise your rights according to Article 15 and following of the GDPR, e.g. the right to withdraw your consent by contacting the Data controller, Bernex Bimetall AG, by sending an email to

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