About us

Bernex: A brand with a tradition and story. For more than 50 years, international presence in the plastic industry. A constant and innovative company.

Today the name: Bernex Group with the headquarter in Switzerland and two other productions sites in Czech Republic and Italy. A dynamic group which has been for years europes leading manufacturer of bimetallic cylinders, screws and plastification units.

The Bernex Group manufactures its versatile product portfolio in a service-oriented manner and according to customer-specific solutions with a clear focus on the international plastics industry.

Due to the uniqueness of Swiss service quality, Czech engineering tradition and Italian flexibility, you can expect active, high-performing professionals with many years of knowledge from the Bernex Group as solutions for your success.

The prospects - your profit

Expect a great deal from us where barrels and screws are concerned, because this is what we are all about.

Our product know-how is broad, and we have an in-depth understanding of the processes in which our products are employed. Therefore your expectations should not be limited to our products, you may also count on us to provide consulting on how to optimize your processes.

Our focus on screws and barrels for plastification is your benefit. This strong commitment to screws and barrels means that you can expect us to deliver uncompromising quality. You can expect us to take care of your requirements competently and find the perfect solution for you. And you may also confidently expect us to turn your wishes into reality quickly and flexibly at our two production sites.

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